

IR背面調査-2【紫陽花(鎌倉市 明月院)】
マサチューセッツ州のカジノ管理委員会調査部門が委員会コミッショナー等に宛てたレター(RE: SUTITABILITY INVESTIGATION FOR APPLICANT FOR A CATEGORY 1 GAMING LICENCE)のうち、免許付与についての判断の指針と調査のプロセス(調査項目)について少し詳しく紹介します。

カジノ委員会(Gaming Commission)の調査部門責任者(Director, Investigation and Enforcement Bureau(IEB))が委員会議長及び委員に宛てた免許申請事業者の調査報告書(署名入りのレター形式)であり、
・調査対象者を選定したこと(Various meetings to determine which entities and individuals required qualification)
・判断の指針(relevant statutory criteria)


・申請者及び調査対象者の周辺(affiliates or close associates)における不適格者(may pose an injurious threat)はいないか。
(Does the applicant/qualifier demonstrate integrity, honesty, good character, and reputation?)
(Does the applicant/qualifier demonstrate financial stability, integrity and background?)
(Do the business practices and the business ability of the applicant/qualifier demonstrate the capacity to establish and maintain a successful establishment?)
(Are all the parties in interest, including, but not limited to, affiliates, close associates and financial sources suitable to hold or participate in the gaming license?)
・M.G.L.c.23K §16に照らし、免許付与不適格か否か。
(Is the applicant/qualifier disqualified from receiving a license under M.G.L.c.23K §16)
(Has the applicant/qualifier failed to establish their integrity or the integrity of any affiliate, close associate, financial source or any person required by the commission?)
(Has the applicant/qualifier failed to demonstrate responsible business practices in any jurisdiction?)
(Has the applicant/qualifier failed to overcome any other reason, as determined by the commission, as to why it would be injurious to the interests of the Commonwealth in awarding a gaming license?)

(1)  公的履歴データベース等の確認
a  申請者等の設立(関係)文書確認
b  申請者等の住所地の調査
c  ダン・レポートによる照会
d  “doing business as”のような通名取引の調査
e  提訴状況の調査(Civil litigation searches relative to liens, bankruptcies and judgments in the state of incorporation that have such information online.)
f  全米破産調査(Nationwide bankruptcy searches)
g  UCC -1 Financing Statementを活用した金融情報調査
h  メディア サーチ
i  連邦地方裁判所で開示する判決概要調査(Federal District Court Docket Summary searches)
j  財産調査(Business assets searches)
k  Limited Liabilities Company searches and Limited Partnership searches

(2)  現有及び失効の免許、とりわけGaming Licensesの保有状況の確認
(3)  法令順守履歴調査(compliance history in all gaming jurisdictions)
(4)  Websiteの確認
(5)  株券(copies of stock certificates)に基づく申請者等に係る受益者(Beneficial Owner)の確認

(6)  申請者等の財務健全性等(financial integrity and stability)の分析
a  申請者に係る各個人の財務諸表(financial statements)の検討
b  上記財務諸表が監査済でなければ、3年間遡及して内容を精査
c  上記財務諸表が監査済の財務諸表であれば、監査法人(CPA)及び監査担当者の連絡先を確認
d  CPAから過去3年間に係る適正意見報告書等を入手
e  申請者及び調査対象である事業体及び個人の納税履歴を入手し検討
f  信用(リーエン、長期債務)調査(Documentation/information of the owners and entity and individual person qualifier historical line(s) of credit and long term debt (mostly related intra-family party debt or debt to/from a related entity) balance were obtained, reviewed and evaluated.)
g 過去3年間の国内外の金融機関口座一覧を入手し、財務調査官及び会計監査人により検討 (A comprehensive list of the entity’s bank accounts (domestic and foreign) with copies of complete bank statements for the past three years obtained, reviewed and evaluated by financial investigators   and accountants.)
h  最新の残高が記載された国内外の銀行口座明細を入手 (A letter form the banks (domestic and foreign) listing all entity and qualifiers’ bank accounts and indicating the most current balance for each account along with a list of authorized signatories for each account was obtained.)
i  Gamingに関連する全ての免許(including the date and disposition)を提出させて検討
j  過去3年間の取締役会議事録を提出させて検討
k  過去5年間のコンプライアンス、デューディリジェンス(due diligence)、質問監査(audit investigations)の記録を提出させて検討
l  過去5年間のGaming(事業)の取得及び譲渡記録を提出させて検討
m 調査対象各個人の所得分析、正味財産、資産評価を実施 (Income analysis, net worth and asset evaluation were conducted for all individual person qualifiers.)

(7)  Foreign Corrupt Practice Act(FCPA)及びAnti-Money Laundering(AML) policy 等への抵触の有無
(8)  自動車等(Motor Vehicle)の運転免許、運転履歴の調査
(9)  過去の事業活動及び事業遂行能力の調査
(10) Gaming regulationsに係る順守履歴
(11) 訴訟履歴調査
(12) 政治献金調査
(13) 州警察による犯歴調査 (The Massachusetts State Police conducted thorough federal, state, and commonwealth criminal history inquiries based on the applicant qualifiers’ submissions and also processed fingerprint examinations on all natural person qualifiers.)

(14) 信用情報調査(any credible information existed in any data base)
(15) 学歴調査
(16) 職歴調査
(17) 面接によるインタビュー
(18) 全ての職業免許(professional licenses)の検証
(19) 申請者の事業関係者(Applicant’s business affiliations)の調査




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